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Monthly Program: All About Tricolored Blackbirds

We’re having our May Monthly Program on Tricolored Blackbirds with two special guests from California, Ian Souza-Cole from Audubon California and Dr. Emilie Graves.

Ian Souza-Cole is a Senior Coordinator with Audubon California where he manages projects for Audubon's Working Lands program. These projects focus on providing benefits to birds within the heavily modified agricultural habitats of California's Central Valley. Since starting last fall, Ian has helped coordinate Audubon's tricolored blackbird colony protection program in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and other organizations. Ian has a M.S. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where he studied the behavior and population declines of eastern whip-poor-wills.

Emilie Graves has been involved with Tricolored Blackbird research since 2008, and recently completed a PhD in Ecology at the University of California, Davis studying conservation management of Tricolored Blackbirds. Her research focused on how pesticide use and other habitat factors impact the health and behavior of this unique species. She currently teaches ornithology at Sacramento State University and works for the United States Fish & Wildlife Service in the Endangered Species Listing & Recovery Division. Emilie will talk about behavior, reproduction, diet, and the population history. Bring your questions.

This program is online and starts at 7:00 pm.

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May 14

Mother’s Day at Discovery Park

May 18

Field Trip to Dedication Point and Swan Falls