Osprey with fish. Photo by Ken Miracle.
Protecting birds and wildlife by advocating for their needs locally, state-wide and beyond.
Led by an Advocacy Committee, Golden Eagle Audubon protects birds and other wildlife by promoting their needs and by connecting people with decision-makers to elevate conservation efforts.
Some of our recently submitted comments are below. For more information or to tell us about an issue impacting birds of southwest Idaho, please email info@goldeneagleaudubon.org
Want to speak up for birds on your own? Please see our Advocacy Resource Guide for helpful Southwest Idaho links, comment suggestions and more.

CuMo Mine Comments - June 2024
Forest Service analysis of impacts of mine exploration falls short and fails to protect birds.
Greater Sage Grouse Land Use Plan Amendment
Proposed changes are not strong enough to turn declining bird numbers around.
GEAS Comments to Protect Birds of Prey
BLM’s final decision will protect 192 miles of routes from open use, which will benefit birds and other wildlife.
NEW! Bird Advocacy Resource Guide
Produced by our Advocacy Committee, this guide will help you speak up for birds.