American Goldfinch. Photo by Lynn Cleveland/Audubon Photography Awards
Support our work to protect birds and their habitats.
Golden Eagle. Photo by Samantha Stovall/Audubon Photography Awards.
Become a Member
Members sustain our work and receive benefits, like early bird access to classes and events. Membership starts at just $25 per year.

More Ways to Give
Planned Giving
If you intend to include GEAS in your estate plans, please let us know so we can express our gratitude. A planned gift provides an opportunity to integrate charitable giving into your overall financial, tax, and estate planning. For questions, please contact Cynthia Wallesz, Executive Director
Fred Meyer / Kroger Community Rewards
Every time you shop at Fred Meyer you can support GEAS. There is no cost to you! Learn how to link your Rewards Card to our organization.
Employer Matching Gifts
Ask your employer about matching your charitable donation to GEAS. Some companies will match you dollar for dollar and some will even double or triple the amount of your donation - at no cost to you!